

THE JAKARTA ARE YOU READY FOR__ Jakarta, what have you prepared, are you ready ..?? Pictured at in my head of Jakarta for the 2010 year. Viewed from a year ago, Jakarta does'nt much change from year to years, only a few changes that seem to running slow. From the start of development to overcome the flood, until the expulsion of the importance of the development to build apartments, that maybe a cost so expensive for the people. Another thing, suicide is a later became news, as well as the negative influence of television and the media presents a negative content in the society. but it did not discourage us to continue to fight, become a more creative to keep alive. So even with mulo, he will prepare more for the imagination in this year. So use your belt, and Enjoy.. :D Share/Bookmark


Lyridz said...

tengkiu mulo.. boleh kapan2... asekkk =)) btw ini artworknya bagus euyyy

MIGOMAGI Brand said...

love this very very very much...